Are You Overwhelmed By The Endless Stream Of To-dos?

Live a More Blissful and Meaningful Life

Keep Track Of What Fulfills You, Reclaim Your Time, Align With Your True Desires, and Live Blissfully, Without Hours of Reflection.

Unfulfiling Activities Are Robbing Precious Time Away From You

Your daily tasks are the news feed of your life… How excited do they make you feel?

Capture the misalignment between your to-dos and desires by
rating how much you enjoy tasks and make smart changes.

BlissCompass, the App Your Soul Has Been Searching For.

Those time-wasting meetings, unrealistic deadlines, and toxic business relationships.

Your gut feeling is right.
How many times have you regretted not listening to your intuition?


Being overwhelmed with tasks that drain you.


Living in constant stress not realizing the root cause of your problems.

Feeling Lost

Drifting with the daily flow, and unkowingly neglecting what’s important for you.

Failed Attempts at Journaling

Giving up by not finding the time to make journaling a habit.


Effortlessly aligning your daily activities with your true purpose


Keeping track of what gives you joy and rooting out stressful activities.


A sense of progress and accomplishment from excelling in your roles and working on impactful activities

Effortless Journaling

Journaling happens like magic by capturing how you feel about tasks on completion.

Swap the Burden for Bliss.
Choose BlissCompass.

What if You Could Weed Out Draining Tasks Without Hours of Reflection and Journaling?

One Score.
A New Direction.

The app’s Bliss Score isn’t just a like button for your tasks; it guides you to better decisions.

Make your day a bliss

Align your to-dos with roles and goals that truly resonate with your life’s purpose.

Recognize what fuels you

Evaluate what activities drain your spirit and which ones fulfil you.

Empower yourself

Transform from being overwhelmed to clearly knowing what brings satisfaction and progress.

Journaling Without the Effort

Spot Issues Faster With Smart Indicators

Work/Life/Relationship Ratio

We all have times when we need to push hard, but are you taking time off for what’s important?

Time Spent In Roles

Your roles are part of your identity, are you doing a good job of taking care of them?

Time in Priority Categories

Spot early if your wasting time that don’t take you anywhere.

Smart insights

Identify the Top 5 most draining and joyful tasks and spot time spent on tasks that has little impact.

Are You Ready to Turn Your Life Around?

The Mindfulness Revolution Starts Here
